



题目:network dynamics during healthy and disease development
时间:2014.11.19,下午:14:00 - 15:30     
        tan kai,博士, university of iowa副教授。华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校(washington university in saint louis)系统生物学博士,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(university of california at san diego)博士后,师从系统生物学创始人trey ideker教授。担任《bmc genomics》副主编,十多个顶级国际期刊的特约审稿人,如《proc. natl. acad. sci.》、《nature biotech》、《nucleic acids research》、《genome research》、《genome biology》等。担任国际著名计算生物会议的委员会委员,如icdm、recomb、ismb、bibm等。同时担任美国nih、英国bbsrc、奥地利asf基金评审委员会评委。
        tan教授在机器学习与数据挖掘、计算生物信息学进行了长期的研究,在该领域的研究中获得多项美国国家卫生部重大项目的资助,包括nih/nhlbi、nih/nhgri、nih/nida等。并在该领域的国际著名期刊《cell》、《nature genetics》、《nature immunology》、《blood》、《pnas》、《nucleic acids research》、《genome research》、《genome biology》、《bioinformatics》等发表论文,代表性研究成果如下:
[1] tan k, moreno-hagelsieb g, collado-vides j, et al. 2001. a comparative genomics approach to prediction of new members of regulons. genome research. 11: 566-584. 【if=14.4,jcr=1】
[2] tan k, mccue la, and stormo gd. 2005. making connections between novel transcription factors and their dna motifs. genome research. 15: 312-320.  【if=14.4,jcr=1】
[3] tan k, shlomi t, feizi, h, ideker t, and sharan r. 2007. transcriptional regulationof protein complexes within and across species. proc. natl. acad. sci. 104(4): 1283-1288. 【if=9.7,jcr=1】
[4] tan k*, feizi h, luo c, fan s, ravasi t, and ideker t. 2008. a systems approach to delineate functions of paralogous transcription factors: role of the yap family in the dna damage response. proc. natl. acad. sci. 105(8): 2934-2939. (highlighted by faculty of 1000) 
[5] the fantom consortium & riken omics science center. 2009. the transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line. nature genetics. 41(5): 553-562. 【if=35.2,jcr=1】
[6] kuo d, licon k, bandyopadhyay s, chuang r, luo c, catalana j, ravasi t, tan k*, ideker t*. 2010. co-evolution within a transcriptional network by compensatory trans and cismutations. genome research. 20(12):1672-1678 【if=14.4,jcr=1】
[7] ravasi t, cannistraci cv, katayama s, bajic vb, tan k &fantom consortium & riken omics science center. 2010. an atlas of combinatorial transcriptional regulation in mouse and man. cell. 140:744-752. 【if=34.3,jcr=1】
[8] firpi ha, ucar d, and tan k*. 2010. discover regulatory dna elements using chromatin signatures and artificial neural network. bioinformatics. 26:1579-86. 【if=6.9,jcr=1】
[9] kuo d†, tan k†, zinman g, ravasi t, bar-joseph z, ideker t. 2010. evolutionary divergence in the fungal response to fluconazole revealed by soft clustering. genome biology.11:r77. 【if=10.3,jcr=1】