1.一等奖:刘曌雯 论文:detecting cancer related microrna by using computational methods
2.二等奖:贾松卫 论文:探索三元组模块:图理论特征与分析
3.二等奖:侯一博 论文:a systematic exploration of the association between amino acid variants and post-translational modifications
4.三等奖:王蔓琳 论文:在汉明空 间的快速查询算法研究
5.三等奖:刘海 论文:理性秘密重构机制设计模型
6.三等奖:刘瑾 论文:improved even order magic square construction algorithms and their applications in multi-user shared electronic accounts
7.三等奖:时欢 论文:快速视觉追踪
8.三等奖:贾佩佩 论文:移动平台下运动目标检测算法研究
9.三等奖:冯小康 论文:i/o efficient indexing for approximate nearest neighbor search in high-dimensions